Workflows - more details on each of the below are available here. *Updated: When attempting to add a new database user with a username that is already in use by another Redtail user, you'll now receive a message stating "Username not available." The previous message left some users confused as to why they couldn't select a particular username. *Updated: The Last Activity Report now includes each activity's Start and End Times in addition to the Completed Date. Updated documentation on creating your Workflow Templates is available here. A blog post going over the details is available here. *Updated: The process for creating and editing Workflow Templates has been streamlined to reduce clicks and keep everything relevant on one page.

Documentation on restoring your Workflow Templates is available here. Now, we’ve introduced this capability within your database, so you can accomplish Workflow Template restoration in a matter of seconds. *Added: Prior to this update, Redtail subscribers had to submit requests through our support team in order to have any deleted Workflow Templates restored to their database. Documentation on these integration updates is available here. Also, Schwab Alerts are now accessible within Redtail. You can now initiate the Digital Account Opening process in Schwab from within Redtail CRM. *Updated: The Schwab Advisor Center® integration has been updated. A blog post with more details is available here. *Added: A “filter events” box has been added to the Redtail Calendar that will allow you to quickly and easily search the subject, description, linked contacts, and location fields for all items on your current view of your Calendar. *Added: Preferred gender pronouns can now be added in the Basic Information area within Redtail Contact Records. *Added: If you find that you consistently apply the same filters to one of Redtail’s Standard Reports to meet the unique needs of your office, you now have the ability to save those filter options for quicker access to the report data you’re looking for. *Added: If you have the Orion integration enabled within your CRM, Orion Portfolio View is now accessible on your Today page as well as at the client level on individual contact record's Accounts page. Instead we will focus upon providing short descriptions here of Release Notes that are notable in regard to what you see or how you interact with Redtail CRM. *In accordance with our data retention policy, the customer shipping address is only available for 30 days after the order was delivered or canceled.Note: not all CRM Release Notes will be published here, as many updates will not necessarily be "visible" to Redtail subscribers or relevant to how you interact with the UI. Order timestamps (date created, sent to production, etc.).Order status (at the time of exporting).csv file contains the following order information: In the Orders tab of your Printify account, press the CSV Import/Export button, select the Export CSV file option and select the time period that you’re interested in (current/previous month, or both) and the file containing the order information will arrive in your email. This can be useful for accounting purposes as well as analytics, such as identifying your best-selling products and understanding sales trends. Our Order Export CSV feature allows you to keep track of your sales data by exporting your monthly Printify orders to a.