The photos submitted must have been taken between Octoand October 9, 2022.Photographers can submit only one photograph.
#Scuttlebutt boats professional
The contest is open to professional photographers who can confirm and prove that they have regularly published pictures and been paid for their work.
The jury will advance their top 20 images on October 22 which will be exhibited and voted on at the 2022 World Sailing Annual Conference in Abu Dhabi and at the 2022 Yacht Racing Forum in Malta.
Brice Lechevallier (SUI), Editor-in-Chief of Skippers magazine. Nicolas Mirabaud (SUI), Managing Partner, Mirabaud & Cie SA. Meg Reilly (USA), The Magenta Project Chief Coordination and Engagement Officer. Loïc Venance (FRA), professional photographer at AFP and winner of the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image award 2021. Jonquil Hackenberg (GBR), The Magenta Project Chair. David Graham (GBR), CEO of World Sailing. The six members of the international jury: Delegates Award based on votes from participants at World Sailing’s Annual Conference and the Yacht Racing Forum. Public Award based on the number of public votes cast on the internet for the 80 images.
Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award (main prize), selected by the international jury. Three prizes will be awarded to the winners: The 2022 edition of the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image award attracted submissions from 150 professional photographers representing 29 nations, with the six-person jury advancing the 80 entrants* that fulfilled contest rules and were deemed to be among the best images.